The Solitude of the Countryside

"The whole experience was memorable. Just as those who have shot game will always remember their first game day and indeed the very first pheasant or partridge they took, it's the same with deer stalking. It may even be more intense than driven game, as you have to seek out your quarry and the dispatch, seen through a telescopic sight, is a far more visceral experience. I must say that after my first stalk I was hooked. One of the aspects I love most about stalking, even if a deer opportunity doesn't present itself, and there is no guarantee that it will – is simply experiencing the solitude of the countryside and the sights and sounds it contains."
The above words are from Gary, a customer for whom we recently arranged a deer stalk in the beautiful Cotswold countryside. This was Gary's first experience of deer stalking. Click the PDF link at the bottom of the page to read more about how he got on.
Have you ever been deer stalking? Whether you’re an experienced rifle shot or are completely new to this type of shooting, our Sporting Agency can offer you an incredible, unique experience.
Julian, our Sporting Coordinator, has put together an ‘Introduction to Stalking’ package, to include tuition, rifle hire, a two-night stay at The Bell in Langford with hospitality, and a guided stalk in West Oxfordshire. This experience will take you from briefing, to stalking, to the final shot.
For the more experienced shot we can offer guided stalks.
This bespoke package can be tailored to suit you, with any or all equipment being provided and up to two nights stay at The Bell.
If this is a sporting pursuit that may interest you, please get in touch with Julian to discuss it in more detail.
01582 849382
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