Stand to impress...

Our ground is designed to cater for all experience levels, individuals and groups.

At least two different targets are presented on each stand and we strive to keep our shooting stands 'fresh' by changing the type, angle and speed of targets regularly. This is done monthly at our registered CPSA competition held on the second Friday of each month.

We operate the electronic Promatic Claymate system, which allows you to shoot each stand in your own way and at your own pace, so there is no need to feel rushed. The Claymate System automatically records the clays used during your session via a key card. In the event of any no birds or broken clays then please inform us when you return to the lodge and we'll be happy to credit you for them. If you are shooting unaccompanied the Claymate System has an optional three second audible delay feature. This allows you plenty of time between pressing the button and being presented with the targets.

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Page last modified: 19 August 2020 at 08:55